
The series provides a space to exchange knowledge, personal experience, information, learning and ideas, and to make new connections. 

Reducing the harm caused by smoking and alcohol: investigating interventions to improve public health 

In this seminar, researchers and members of the public involved in ARC South London's work will show how they are using applied health and care research to reduce the harm caused by smoking and alcohol. 

The seminar will be chaired by Dr Emily Finch, consultant addiction psychiatrist and Clinical Director at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. 

After an introduction, there will be two presentations from the ARC's alcohol research and public health and multimorbidities research teams. The presentations will be on:

Why smoking still matters: Helping all people who smoke in south London quit for good

Dr Debbie Robson, senior lecturer in tobacco harm reduction, King's College London, and lead of the ARC's smoking research, will present on 'Why smoking still matters: Helping all people who smoke in south London quit for good'. 

The government has an ambition that smoking should be obsolete by 2030. We'll explore what this means for south Londoners who smoke. We’ll cover how local hospital services have transformed their tobacco dependence treatment services in recent years and people’s experience of this. We’ll also discuss local initiatives to ensure no smoker gets left behind as the country moves towards a smokefree future

Dr Debbie Robson

Dr Debbie Robson, senior lecturer in tobacco harm reduction, King's College London

Evaluating different strategies and interventions for helping to reduce harmful drinking 

Doctoral researchers Eileen Brobbin and Sofia Vassangi Hemrage, based in our alcohol research theme, will discuss their work evaluating different strategies and interventions for helping to reduce harmful drinking.  

Eileen will discuss work evaluating different wearable transdermal alcohol sensors and apps, and whether these can help monitor and reduce harmful drinking.

Sofia will discuss research into psychosocial interventions to reduce alcohol harm in acute alcoholic liver disease.

Eileen and Sofia are both supervised by Professor Colin Drummond, professor of addiction psychiatry at King’s College London, honorary consultant addiction psychiatrist at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, and the ARC's alcohol research theme lead. 

Join the conversation

After the presentations, there will be a Q&A session. There will then be an opportunity to discuss in small groups some of the questions and issues highlighted.

We hope you can join us. 

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